
Sunday, July 10, 2016

baby iris turns one

Our baby is one, and we had the sweetest time celebrating her with family. We have hit such a sweet spot with her lately; she is fun, funny, cuddly, and full of love for her big sisters! She loves to climb anything, jump in her crib, eat peas, pb, & bananas, laugh at her sisters, and carry baby dolls all over the house. She (finally) sleeps well, eats well, and is healthy and thriving. She has 6 teeth, no hair, blue eyes, and is 21lbs of cuteness. 

The Lord has been so kind to give me the experience of a low risk pregnancy, a natural birth I had long hoped for, and a healthy infancy in baby Iris. I am so so thankful for the lives of my twins, but I had a lot of dark days with a medically complicated pregnancy/birth/infancy, and I wondered often what it was like with a healthy baby. I did not deserve a different/positive baby experience because I had such a dark one with the twins, but the Lord gave it to me out of His fatherly goodness because of Jesus, and for no other reason. I am so so grateful for the way I was able to enjoy infancy this go around. Praise God from whom all blessings flow for this sweet baby and what a gift she has been to me and our family.

 A couple days before Iris's birthday, Mimi's house got "flocked" by 30+ flamingos (for some church fundraiser), and so we obviously had no choice but to put on pink party hats and eat sprinkle cones with the flamingos.

Thanks for helping us celebrate, sweet cousins!! We miss you already.