
Sunday, April 29, 2012

In love

Im so exhausted, but wanted to give a quick update. The girls are doing really well, as well as they can be at this point. Audrey is breathing on her own and tolerating her feedings really well. She pretty interactive too, which surprises us. We love snuggling with her. Evangeline is still on oxygen to keep her little lungs open, and is also tolerating her feedings well. She is on "minimal stimulation" and so I don't get as much interaction with her, which is really hard. I can't wait for her to be off oxygen so I can see her face and snuggle more with her. Both girl's brain scans came back negative, so no brain bleeds! 

I got back from the hospital yesterday. I had been there a month, and so it was amazing to be home and sleep in my own bed with my husband! I missed him! It has also been super challenging as I am trying to figure out this pumping schedule, recover from surgery, and cope with being away from the girls- it's ALOT! Sometimes Im so happy, and sometimes I just cry and cry. I feel like I'm barely surviving the days, with the pumping, spending time at the NICU, and trying to feed and take care of myself. I know as my pain goes down, and I figure out a system, all of this will be a bit more manageable- but for now, I'm still trying to figure out how to do it all. So many have asked to visit, I really appreciate it, but I feel like I need a bit more time to settle into this. Thank you for checkin in! Thank you for your prayers and please praise God for bringing the girls to delivery. 




  1. They are both beautiful, y'all! I am so glad that everyone is doing well. They are fighters! Good luck when they are teenagers.
    Keep the updates coming...I've been praying for all the Andersons.

  2. They are darling and I love Audrey's features. They are sharp and so cute... So thankful, God that you have seen and created and choreographed this beautiful happening and family. You are so great!!! Blessings guys. Will continue to pray.

  3. So cute...brings back memories for me. Pretty soon Audrey will be yanking that feeding tube out, just you wait! God's blessings as you continue the NICU journey and beyond!

  4. Let me know if you want to talk about pumping with babies in NICU.. I have two friends with twins who did what you are doing, and they would love to talk to you or email you if you want help or suggestions. Is their a lactation consultant at your hospital? Just let me know. Cannot imagine juggling everything in addition to the hormone changes you are going through. It is a lot, so give yourself lots of breaks! Feel free to call if you want:703-328-4065.praying for you all.

  5. What amazing girls you have! Praying so much!

  6. We are praying for y'all! Thank you for your willingness to share your story so honestly.

  7. The girls are beautiful! So glad to hear the great update! Totally normal to cry and cry :) hormones and worries and exhaustion! We're all praying for you guys and sending our love!

  8. Hey Laura and Ryan - Wes and I have been praying for you guys regularly and are so thrilled to hear that the girls are here. I hope you'll be able to settle into the routine quickly and find the strength and stamina for it. Take one moment at a time and cut yourself a lot of slack! Take care...
