
Friday, May 11, 2012

Sweet Evangeline

Please pray for our little Evangeline. I really hoped she would catch a break on the outside, but she still is really struggling. This morning, when I was holding her, she was dropping her heart rate into the 40s and 30s very frequently, was struggling to breathe, and was very pale. I knew something was wrong- they did several tests and an x ray, and discovered that she has an infection- not sure what kind yet. They are giving her a blood transfusion, putting her back on oxygen, and giving her IV antibiotics. They think they caught it early, which is encouraging.  She is still so small, 2 lbs 4 oz, and is growing at a slow rate (unlike her sis who is almost 4.5 lbs), which makes her more prone to this sort of thing. O, I wish she'd grow! My heart aches for her. It will be long road.

Please pray for this chapter of our story to lighten up soon..

1 comment:

  1. praying...for all of you and especially sweet Evangeline.
