
Sunday, June 17, 2012

The end of a chapter

The NICU chapter of our story is closed! After spending the last 87 days in the hospital, all of the Anderson girls are finally home! We came home and thanked God for carrying us though. Whew!

We decided not to transfuse Evangeline because her red blood count has been trending upward, and since she has been tolerating it so well they only expect her to get better. We are thrilled to take her home at 4 lbs.! She still has obstacles ahead, so we welcome continued prayers for her wellness.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Thank you Thank you Thank you for all your prayers and support through this journey- how can we thank you enough? You have blessed us tremendously!

As you can imagine, I gotta run! this. is. insane. Don't leave me now, Jesus :)


  1. I am so happy for you both!!! This is such a great news. We love you all.

  2. So incredibly excited for you guys! Praise God

  3. So excited for you! Your family is lovely!

  4. We are thrilled beyond words!!!! Praising God for answered prayers!!! Little Evangeline will catch up with her sister in no time. It will be such fun raising these two little best friends/sisters! God bless you all!!! We love you much!!!!!

  5. Julie, Jamie, James SellersJune 18, 2012 at 4:37 PM

    what a father's day gift...i'm speechless at their beauty and the smile on ryan's face. it surely reflects the smile on our Father's face! will continuing praying you all into this next chapter of life. much love from the sellers

  6. Such relief and praise in my heart! To God be the glory! What an incredible homecoming. Praying for your day to day.

  7. My heart is over-joyed to see all the Andersons together again! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. I will miss seeing you and snuggling with your sweet girls!
    -Jen Bowers

    1. Jen-we couldn't have made it though the nicu without you! thank you for checkin in- I checked on your blog, i hope you start up again. we miss you.. and I cannot find you on FB :(

  8. I believe Evangeline is lifting her hands in praise for God's Goodness and thankfulness that she is with her family : ) Continueing to pray but a little differently.... that the rest you do get will be sufficient for all your needs. So happy for you!

  9. I heard a little of your story from my sister-in-law (Megan Terrell) and she sent me to your blog. I haven't read it all, but can very much identify with so much of what you have been through (including that first moment of shock in the ultrasound where I just kept repeating "two what??"). My 11 month old twin boys were born at 30 weeks and were in the NICU 2 months. I would be more than happy to connect with you if you're interested and offer any feeding/scheduling/survival tips. I had one weaker one who was on oxygen for 7 months, but we were able to tandem feed most of the time which was a lifesaver. Please don't hesitate to email me at and I'll be happy to give you my number.
