
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

evangeline then and now


- Twin to Twin Transfusion  Syndrome
- Intrauterine Growth Restriction
- Prematurity
- Extremely Low Birth Weight (SGA)
- Necrotizing Enerocolitis 
- Severe Anemia 
- Oral Aversion
Follow ups: 
- Sacral dimple ultrasound, Hip ultrasound, Opthamologist, Feeding Therapy


- Tiny & perfect!
Follow up results:
- Normal!

ugh. i literally have a physical response when I look at those pictures. i am just now beginning to have the hope, time & emotional/mental energy to begin to recover from the tidal wave that was my pregnancy and post partum experience. however, I am SO thankful to be here and not there! Evangeline whose name means good news/gospel has revealed nothing less as our friends all over the world watched and cheered for this little miracle. today i am so incredibly grateful for how far she has come! i truly cannot believe how well she is, and i am so proud. God has been so kind to our family and shown us so much about His grace and faithfulness (as i bucked & wrestled with Him, i might add) through Evangeline. He has blessed us through you, thank you for checking in and thank you for your prayers and love! :)


  1. So happy to hear that you are doing so much better! What a blessing Evangeline is to this world. May she continue to bear the good news all of her life!

  2. Tears in my eyes - she is so beautiful!! xoxo

  3. Wow - just amazing to see how far she has come. She is beautiful
