
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A & E Turn Three~ Unicorn Style

The girls' birthday might be my favorite day of the year. I loooove to celebrate them. They are both doing great, and we have so much to be thankful for. Audrey loves all things pink, sparkly & girly, and enjoys gymnastics, singing, and performing. Evangeline loves books, snuggling, painting, making Audrey laugh, and problem solving. They have recently made a huge transition to their big girl room upstairs and are doing great up there! Potty training on the other hand, is still in the works…

We had so much fun with our Unicorn theme this year! Our original party was rained out, but we got a beautiful sunny morning today to enjoy the park!

The girls talked about their unicorn party for months! This was taken when they arrived to their party!
We hung some clouds & unicorns from the branches
 We did a little picnic in the park: boxed lunches for the kids with Unicorn horn rainbow lollypops, Unicorn horn funfetti snack mix (with Bugles) served in waffle cones, & Unicorn horn coconut cake.

 Our everyday hero, Mary Elizabeth, hunted down this amazzzzzzing unicorn costume for us and stole the show! She did glitter Unicorn make up, nail polish, and tattoos (check out Love and Lion's easy shop for custom tattoos!)

Unicorn Horn Toss
 We did a magical unicorn hunt to find little neon plastic unicorns (Target dollar bin) and whoever found a gold one got a special prize!

 These girly girls are so much fun. Happy Birthday to our sweet, sassy & sparkly three year olds, we love you more than words! Thanks for checkin in ;)

Check out our birth day, first birthday, and second birthday here!