
Monday, March 16, 2020

Covid19 continued..

Hi friends!

     I didn't exactly know what to expect with our last post, and I have felt a bit overwhelmed by the exposure. But for the most part the feedback as been gratitude for the virus play by play, the insight into the household experience, and my vulnerability, and so thank y'all for receiving that with kindness, prayer, and compassion. I truly appreciate that support. Our intention is to be one helpful personal resource as we're all learning together and to alleviate crazy town panic (which I hear is going on in the outside world).

   I am surprising myself in how much I am thankful for in this bizarre season. In no particular order (other than number 1, which is of utmost, make-or-break, like, maybe we should give up now, importance)

1- We don't have lice. Hallelujah! Whenever I'm stressed out, we usually get lice, but thanks to quarantine, no lice risk! Phew!
2- I'm not pregnant with multiples. If you are pregnant with multiples and your husband has Covid-19, call me and I'll give you free teletherapy.
3- Me and the rest of my household have no symptoms and feel great!
4- Overwhelming kindness, prayers, kids activities, and meals continue to be dropped at the door.
5- Family. I haven't lived near family in the past 9 years, and so it is new and unexpected to feel so supported by family even at risk to themselves.
6- Fresh country air and sunshine.
7- Wine and Schitts Creek- it's self care!
8- Happy to be home and play kids
9- The book "I need a new butt", because my kids will actually sit down read it in order to say potty words- whatever! ( thanks Uncle Adam)
10- Global Solidarity- we're all in this thing together, like the whole world, when's the last time we considered that?!

Enough about me:)

Day 6, 3/15- Ryan woke up fever free but tired. He ate a small lunch. He watches TV, talks on the phone, researches Covid-19, I don't really know what else he does in there, he'll report to y'all at some point. Around 430pm he got a 100.4 degree temp and felt achey and worn out. He has increasing chest soreness and tightness. He can take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds, which is a good check. He ate a small dinner, but does always seem to have room for dessert...He took a long steam shower to bring moisture into his lungs, and a Motrin and slept the best he has slept in a long time.

Day 7, 3/16- Again he woke up with a 99degree fever. Did things? Felt tired, and ate a small lunch and in the afternoon spiked a 100 degree fever again. We are monitoring the chest a bit more closely now. We were able to check his oxygen level today, and it was good and were encouraged by that. He describes his chest soreness as how your lungs feels after you've been running in the cold. We do now have access to a breathing treatment, and plan to grab a humidifier tomorrow to take a couple more defensive steps. He is NOT having difficultly breathing, but if he does start to or has a fever of more like 103/104 degrees, we would consider next steps. We are not there and have no reason to believe he would get there, but that is what we are monitoring from home.

So, Day 7 still with fever and chest tightness is not awesome, and we had hoped he would be feeling better by now, BUT I don't think this is out of the norm for Covid-19 ( especially for males? from what I'm noticing). Others of our friends are also in the Day 7 boat (some are feeling better), and so we are learning that for some, it can go on into week 2, OR some can feel better for a time and then slip back into the symptoms. That is why you are not considered recovered until it has been 3 good days. Our 17 days have not started yet, but it'll be very exciting? when we can start an official countdown.

Thank y'all for your continued care and prayer. I do not have life figured out and I wrestle and struggle to, like I mentioned before. I do feel anxious and overwhelmed today about all kinds of what ifs. One more thing I am thankful for that I am learning with my clients and myself is that the God of the bible is so much more wild and out of the box in his love for us than we can even fathom, He is not sweet, southern, & conservative y'all:). I work with people in their places of deepest fear, wounds, and shame and watch Him not only meet them but bless them right there. It is so counterintuitive and miraculous. I just wanted to invite y'all to even consider a God who can handle everything you could possibly bring. He already knows and welcomes you, right where you are this very moment, even if it's oppositional, He sees you in the current chaos.
virtual xo

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