
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Big Day: Done

Ryan here...I've stolen the password to the blog to give you an update while my 'champ' wife takes a nap. Thanks so much for all your prayers, comments, texts, emails--someone sent us a new car!--just kidding but not a bad idea.

First of all, no surgery today. That will happen on Thursday, but more on that later. We met with Dr. Moise (and his staff) here in Houston. They were wonderful and incredibly comforting. They provided us with much-needed info for us to move ahead. Laura had an ultrasound that lasted a year and then we met with the doc and he consulted us about surgery.

Here is what is happening to our twins...We are in stage 3 of TTTS. As Laura may or may not have mentioned, they wait until stage 2 to do surgery. So, what does this mean? It means that the recipient twin is basically owning the womb and the donor twin in losing space to 'swim' in. The babies show no signs of heart failure or neurological defect. As you could imagine, this is a HUGE answered prayer. Puh-lease, keep them coming. In the ultrasound, it was funny to see that the 'bigger' twin kept kicking her sister in the face. This activity, however troubling it may be in the years to come, is welcomed now. It keeps both of them moving and active. Sadly, though, our 'little' twin is losing activity in her bladder and not having healthy, continuous blood-flow. These are some of the key factors that doctors use to assess whether or not to operate.

So, we'll (okay, clearly not me) have some surgery on Thursday at 10 am. Again, please continue to pray for us. What will they do? Well, they'll go via fetoscope and get a look at the placenta. There are (potentially) numerous blood vessels that are shared between the twins. The doctor will laser those shut and effectively create two placentas out of one. (Who thinks of this stuff? We're grateful for God's grace to smart people to think of this stuff!). This should take about an hour and a half. We'll spend the night in the hospital and then come back home, hopefully, on Friday.

If you are the praying type, please continue to pray for us. Pray that the doctors and their staff would be sharp and exercise their tasks skillfully. Pray that God would comfort both Laura and me as we choose this surgery as a means to saving our girls. Pray for the life of these little ones too. While preterm labor is almost a given, we'll worry about that later. For now, pray that they would come through a pretty traumatic surgery. Pray, too, that the bigger sister would take it easy on her co-twin.

Wow! So, I know this was a long post. We're incredibly grateful for your prayers. Laura and I counted up that we've got close to 2000 folks faithfully going before the throne of grace for us. We're humbled; we're blessed. God is kinder than we could ever imagine, no matter what. Grace and peace to you all.



  1. Love - Prayers - and Hugs from Franklin.. I know you are in the best of care in Houston. Thank you for keeping us posted. Your little girls ( all three of them) have many many prayers going up !

  2. Well...It is a Huge day at the foot of the Grace cross. Praising God for some of the answered uncertainties. There is a plan and the girls are fighting..that is a good thing ( although it may get on your very last nerve when they are teenagers!) Continuing to pray for all that you asked and then some. You are in His Grip! xo

  3. So thankfull that she is a candidate for the surgery!! Thanks for the update. WE are praying continuously.Praying that the surgery is successful and uneventful!!!!!!! Love, Neil and Jan Quinton

  4. Praise God! What a huge relief to hear that the babies have not suffered too much harm so far. We will be praying fervently for the Lord to be gracious to you all and that the end result would be a healthy mom and babies.

  5. Thanks for the update Ryan, Sam and I will be praying fiercely!

  6. you have an entire church on their knees for your precious family here... comfort, protection, and an outpouring of our Lord's incredible miracles on your daughters. thanks for giving us news!

  7. Very happy to read the update, been praying all day. Will keep you in our prayers. God is BIG enough!

  8. Louanne told me about your family, and I'm going to be praying for all of you! Blessings and peace to you during this stressful time. I pray that the surgery will be a success and that both babies and Mom will continue to be healthy and well.

  9. Hey Andersons,
    I heard about your situation on the RUF wives listserve yesterday, and I want you to know Ande and I are praying for your family, the doctors, the now, and the future. You are not alone!!

    Ande and Kelly Johnson
    Univ of Central FL

  10. We are just so saddened and encouraged all at the same time. We are praying for the twins, for the two of you and the doctors who are caring for all of you.

    22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; s
    23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
    24 "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."

    Jada and Chad

  11. Praying for you all! Please keep the updates coming.

  12. I'm a total random stranger from Nashville praying for you and your sweet girls. I am a friend of one of Ryan's sisters friends. Just wanted you to be able to add one more to your list!!

  13. Praying for you both during these difficult and trying times. Praying for you Laura to have the strength to go through one more day before the surgery and to keep reminding yourself of the certaintity of knowing that all of this is in God's hands. Ryan, praying for you to have the right words to say to Laura to keep her as positive as possible and for you to have the strength to hold up your family and to keep praising the Lord through all the difficult times. Girls, praying for you to keep fighting and for the surgery to go smoothly and then for healing. Love, Tabiatha Thompson King (Franklin, TN)

  14. continuing to pray for you friends! love you guys!

  15. Cia and Tom WhittakerJanuary 25, 2012 at 6:31 AM

    Laura & Ryan,

    Praying for you and the girls.

  16. Dear sweet Laura, Ryan and baby girls,
    You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you feel all the love coming your way. I have family and people at Mercy praying for you, so you can add about 50 more to the list! God is good!!! I am on my knees!
    Becky Anderson

  17. Grieved by this ordeal you all are going through. Thankful for the real hope your family has in God's sufficient grace. May you experience it and each know Christ's love. Continuing to pray for you.

  18. We join the throngs of God's people in praying for you and your girls. Laura, may you have peace and strength as you do the hard part. Ryan, may you too have peace and strength as you help and support Laura in doing the hard part. God's love and faithfullness never change, even amidst our changing circumstances. Love to you both through Christ our Lord.

  19. Praying for you both & those baby girls. May God comfort you with his presence and may you feel the love of family & friends lifting you up in prayer. May your doctors & surgeons be guided by His hand.
    Penny Cauble

  20. Ryan, and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    -rob mcv
