
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

wednesday waiting

I slept well last night- so thankful! Today, we wait for tomorrow. The forecast is rain and hail- a good day to stay in and relax.

One of things I have been excited to do with the girls is have dance parties (particularly to Beyonce 'single ladies' :))- so, this morning I decided that it was something I wanted to do with them today. Ryan didn't have Beyonce, so we danced to Tiao Cruz 'dynamite' instead (don't worry, I didn't jump around too much). I thought this might be a good way to stimulate them and keep them active too. Im pretty sure they loved it. 

Im both afraid and excited to get into surgery tomorrow and rescue our babies. I have to say hope is exhausting, but I have to continue to do it. I think they will make it, both.

Success of the surgery has a few different markers:
1- immediately after surgery if everyone is alive

2- 24 hours after surgery if everyone is alive, if this is the case it is probable they will make it to birth (barring other complications)

3- 1 week after surgery if there have been no major complications (preterm labor, bleeding, fluid leaking, etc)

4- 28 weeks = HOME RUN!

They say that the rule of thumb is that the babies will come 10 weeks after laser surgery (they aren't exactly sure why). That will put me at 30 weeks of pregnancy and they should be able to survive (especially because they are girls- seriously.) This will be the first week of April.

I cannot believe they may be here so soon! Holy smokes, I haven't done anything and I'll probably be on bed rest. At least I would have them and they will probably be in the NICU for a month or so anyway. 

What a nightmare this pregnancy has been. I just went back and re-read my blog from the beginning- it made me cry, but my old posts encouraged me that the Lord has been near this whole time. Check out my very first post here.

friends, yesterday alone we had close to 3,000 page views of our blog. we are honored and humbled that so many are following our story and offering support. thank you to so many for disseminating our blog as it increases the number of prayers.  please pray for tomorrow and we'll keep you updated. 


  1. Well Andersons - I have cried my eyes out over and over for your family. I have prayed and prayed and this morning I cried some more. When I read your post about your dance party it brought me to my knees. That's one of my 'dreams' too... And to picture the two of you up this morning dancing, singing and smiling gave me a glimpse into mercy like I've never seen before. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably and thank you both for touching lives in the midst of your grief, fears and hope.

    Kate and Stephen Bell

  2. Dance parties always lift the spirits. Loved your post and the Bells comment and couldn't agree more. Praying like crazy!

  3. My 21 month old twin boys, Isaac and Eli, are TTTS survivors. I had the surgery at 26 weeks in Texas which saved their lives. I had them at 32 weeks 0 days. Isaac was 4.6 pounds and Eli was 2.15! Send me a message if u want to chat! Keep positive!!! Thinking of you!!!


  4. because of dana goodwin, there are prayers going up for your precious family in CA and all over.

  5. I'm praying. My daughter just sent me the link to your blog...just wanted you to know.

  6. Laura & Ryan -

    Just wanted to encourage you and let you know that Grace Evan church in Germantown, TN, is praying for you. Look forward to reading about how the surgery went.

    Beth (Barnes) Winterburn

  7. Praying for you guys. Love from the Mohr family.

  8. I'm a friend of Ryan's sister, Laura. I love dance parties and love that you are able to have that sweet memory in this difficult time. Praying for you all!

  9. Praying for a successful surgery tomorrow!!!!!!!!! We love you, Neil and Jan Quinton ( Franklin, Tn.)
    Hope u get some rest tonight!!!!!!!

  10. Loving thoughts and prayers are headed your way Laura.-Laurie Amann

  11. Laura you probably dont remember me but I worked at Legands and am a friend of your mom and Bruce. I remember you well and what a sweet young lady you are. You and Ryan and those babies are our in my families prayers! Good luck tomorrow. Much Love - Patty, Greg, Danny & Matthew Beatty

  12. What glory you bring to our God with your testimony of great hope amidst your heartache and fear, and what honor you bring Him by your belief in His might and power. Thank you for your witness to me. I am so touched by your candid reflections and I am moved by what wonderful parents you already are - the dance party was ingenious! Thanks for continuing to share and update all of us.

  13. Laura and Ryan -- Please know lots of prayers coming to you from Williamson County, TN! God has his arms wrapped around you - may you find comfort in His strength.

  14. Just started crying while reading the comments. You and Ryan are so loved and just think how much your sweet girls are loved already! Amazing. I'm so glad we get to pray for you.

  15. Just heard from Jessie and Greta. Oh my. Praying for you and your precious daughters today.

  16. Psalm 34

    In Praise of God's Goodness[a]

    I will always thank the Lord;
    I will never stop praising him.
    2 I will praise him for what he has done;
    may all who are oppressed listen and be glad!
    3 Proclaim with me the Lord's greatness;
    let us praise his name together!

    4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me;
    he freed me from all my fears.
    5 The oppressed look to him and are glad;
    they will never be disappointed.
    6 The helpless call to him, and he answers;
    he saves them from all their troubles.
    7 His angel guards those who honor the Lord
    and rescues them from danger.

  17. We've been praying this morning for wisdom and guidance for the doctors and protection for Laura and the babies as well as peace and comfort for all of you. Logan Rogers & Lesli Love (Kevin & Laura's friends)

  18. Please know we are thinking of you and your babies, sending strength, much love, and our prayers... Anne Jump & Ed Rossier

  19. A new follower here, Andersons, a mom of twins myself, and membership chair of my local Moms of Multiples Club. I hope when your girls are born, you'll find your local MOMs club and join, we moms of multiples can use all the support and encouragement we can get! I have hope and prayers for you. I pray pray (double for your girls!) that the surgery is successful and the less active/blood flow gal gets her act together and begins to catch up with her "big" sis! Blessings to all of you--thank you so much for sharing your story, scary as it may be sometimes. I am honored to pray for you all! Much love...

  20. Anderson Family,
    We have been praying all week for you here in snowy Minnesota. Even my small group has been following your story and praying for you regularly. We are all hoping alongside you.
    Amanda (Sarah's friend)

  21. I've been in my bed sick with a sinus infection for the last three days, and this morning, during the twins' procedure, the Christian radio station I like to listen to was having a few moments of prayer, so I called in and asked for prayers for you all and the girls. The whole WMBW listening area will be praying for you! I'm so anxious to find out how everyone is! Much love! Tara

  22. i am praying in michigan. may god bless your family and your sweet girls. i pray for his provision over your womb and your heart.

  23. Been praying for you and those precious babies all morning. I know He hears us. He is good. Miss you guys!

  24. Sending many prayers your way! I admire your strength and faith!!

  25. As I hold back the tears, I am praying for you all here in St. Louis. I do not know you, but i know your pain. Miricles happen every day and im praying you get one. I had twin girls at 27 weeks. It was a long, hard road. Spents three months in the nicu with a 1.15 pounder and a 2.2 pounder. Ups and downs every day. I pray that everyones prayers bring all of you through this, and I pray for the doctors, nurses, and everyone who is involved in your care. May they take great care of you and those precious little miricles.

  26. heard your story over @ Greta's and wanted to let you know that we'll be praying for your family. may the Spirit fill each of you (those Beyonce sisters, too) with a peace that passes our understanding.
