
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hugs and Drugs (or, Surgery Went Splendidly!)

As I type, Laura is trying to get some Z's. She's chilling out as some drugs wear off. She went into surgery at about 10am and came out close to 11:30. Dr. Moise came out and talked to me afterwards and gave nothing but a fantastic report. He said (I'm paraphrasing), "Everything went great. She's (Laura) doing well and we've got good heartbeats out of the girls (twins)." In my mind, I'm thanks to God for His steadfast love and mercy. I asked Dr. Moise, "Are you a hugger?" and he replied, "Yes." So, with my body, I wrapped my arms around the head and neck of the man who just promoted life as best as he could. And then I began to weep. In fact, he mentioned that the donor twin had more placental mass than he had first anticipated. This is a fantastic sign, something that contributes to a longer gestation. Loads of your (and ours) prayers answered today. Thank you a million times over!

In short, Laura is doing great and so are the twins. We've got other hurdles to cross (when we get to them), but for now, we can exhale. God is (and always has been) kind. Our circumstances do not change His character; in fact, I've realized that I'm only able to make sense of my circumstances in light of His character.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. I've been overwhelmed as I've read about prayers coming in from all over the States and even as far as Great Britain. God has been kind to us through you. Many, many times the two of us have just stopped and marveled at the prayers and support that people have offered. I know that we've not been able to answer each one of your comments, etc. but please know we've read them and that they have been a blessing to us. Please continue to pray for us; we'll continue to keep the updates coming on the blog. And, please, share this good report with those to whom you've shared our story. Post it on Facebook; Tweet about it. We want folks to know that God has been kind to us and that their prayers really have mattered. We're so grateful.

So, celebrate with us. Share. Thank God with us. Tell of His compassion and wonderful grace. I only hope that in the weeks, months, and years ahead Laura and I will be able to love on you like you've loved on us. We've needed it and been blessed by it. Until the next entry, keep praying. 



  1. Praising Jesus on your behalf! Love to you guys!

  2. Thank you for keeping us updated. Praise the Lord for the good news.


  3. Great news..prayers for all!

  4. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness! So glad to hear it.


  5. That's fantastic! Thanks for the great report, Ryan. Our family prayed together for all of you (and doctors and nurses) this morning, and we've been thinking about you all day. Praise the Lord for His protection and blessings!
    -Andy Tucker

  6. I read this on the metro ride home from work and started crying - it's so moving to read about your faith in god and each other. Something sweet that happened: there was a family sitting across from me, and their little girl must have thought I was sad, because she started making silly faces at me. I will take that as a good sign and continue to hope for positive news!


  7. Yay! Yay! So glad to hear this!

  8. So so happy !!! God is so good! Hugs and more prayers !!

  9. Sweet Andersons - we love you and are so so so thankful to our faithful Father that He has blessed you with such wonderful news. We continue to pray.

  10. Praise the Lord! Rejoicing with you!

  11. God is good ALL the time. We will continue to pray.

  12. What glorious news!

  13. We praise God in the "good" and the "bad" but i must say it is especially exciting when He blesses us with the desire of our hearts! So happy and thankful with you! Sending love and hugs!

  14. Great news, Ryan! Thanks for the update.

  15. PRAISE GOD! Crying tears of joy, praising God with you and praying for you!!!!!

  16. We are praising The Lord with you today! Will continue with prayers for the safe delivery of your precious blessings. Beth and Cam Goodwin

  17. Praise God! What more can be said?
    Dennis and Emma Makins

  18. What a great report. I'm so happy to celebrate with you. - Mark Middlekauff

  19. Ryan and Laura: just now hearing about your story! Praying for you and all of your girls!! Love from the Muehleisens.

  20. This is fantastic. God is BIG enough! I say it all the time. Rest up and see you guys when you are back in the Fort.

  21. Praise God for the good news! We're praying for your family.
    ~Paul and Allison Hamtil

  22. What an amazing report!! Will continue grateful for the outcome of the surgery. We love you both and are celebrating from this end!!

  23. Thank you thank you thank you for this update! We've been fervently praying in Shoreview, MN and are so happy to read this update! I'm doing my "Friday, Payday, Jeans Day Happy Dance for you!" (trust me it's a doozy). Our God is GOOD ALL the time!

  24. Praise God....bless you!!!

  25. Ryan and Laura
    Oh my goodness. We've just caught up on all that is happening. It's overwhelming to read all those blogs at once. We are part of the thousands of people who are wrapping their arms around you in prayer.
    It is such an honor. Kate and Meg and I still talk about all the funny cat-fights they had as sisters. I can't wait for you to have the same hear screams and doors slamming. It's awesome!Sounds like they are getting the hang of it already.
    Much love from the Lou
    Debbie and Tom

  26. God is good and I am thrilled that your babies proved to everyone how strong they are. We will keep praying but today we are also celebrating with you!

  27. What wonderful news! Thanks be to God. We are so happy to hear that surgery went well. Y'all will remain in our prayers. Leslie wood

  28. To hear those heartbeats after procedures is the sweetest sound. I'm happy your surgery went well. My prayers are with you. I'm so sorry you are on this roller coaster.

    My TTTS survivors are 4 and into everything. :) I hope yours will be too soon enough. My dad told me once (after a failed laser attempt) "The same power that can change the course of rivers and move mountains certainly could move a placenta ...if it was part of the plan." God is very aware of you and your children's situation. He's what pulled me through those scary parts. May He bless you through this.

  29. My name is Kelly Beatty. You don't know me, but I learned about your story through a friend. I have been praying for your family. I am so happy to learn that the surgery went well. I will continue to pray for a healthy, full term pregnancy and that the twins treat their Mama nicely!

  30. Hey Ryan and Laura! So wonderful to hear of answered prayer and that you all are doing well. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner, even as I've been spending some time helping your Mom this week. She is doing well; she is really chipper, keeping herself going doing obstacle courses around the house, writing thank you notes and praying :). I read your "my sadness" entry initially Lar when I caught up on the news, and was amazed at your perspective when you talked about about talking to the girls and said "We told them we would meet face to face sooner or later." It was really good to hear your perspective and knowledge of new life, and personalities your girls already have! It was also good to see some of the video from the link you posted. I've just been reading the rest of these posts now, cracking up out loud with the "Hugs and Drugs", and hoping I'm not waking up my roommate! I'm excited also because I'm going to be in Dallas this weekend for a friends' wedding! If you're driving through we could meet up :). No pressure, just sayin. I'm excited for some warmth and breakfast burritos. And I'm wondering if avocados are still in season in your country? Tons of love to you 4, Gretch.

  31. we've never even met and probably never will, but prayers of thanksgiving are going up in california w/ happy tears in my eyes for all of you!!!

  32. Ryan,
    This is Jane Barnes in Knoxville, TN. Erin Leaverton sent word to us of your pregnancy and the need for prayer. It has been a joy and a privilege to go to the throne of God on your family's behalf and ask for His healing hand to guide the surgeon. This news today is such a blessing. Know that you and Laura will remain close to our hearts as you wait upon the Lord. What an example of living faith you are to the flock of students God has entrusted to you there at TCU. These baby girls will be able to tell this incredible story all their lives, giving praise for all He has done.
    With love, Jane

  33. Wow, what an amazing journey God has already taken you on! We are thrilled with the news of how well the surgery went. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!! My favorite line in your most recent blog is "in fact, I've realized that I'm only able to make sense of my circumstances in light of His character." You have asked people to minister to you in prayer and support --- and you have used this experience to minister right back to us. Thank you. Our prayers continue to cover you, Laura and your baby girls.

  34. You are loved in Kansas City, Missouri. We have recently moved here from Cottonwood (Franklin,Tn)an a neighbor shared the need to pray for you yesterday.
    While praying for you yesterday, God's tender love for you and your girls flooded my heart. Without knowing your story's details, the Holy Spirit was putting me in touch with His incredible love for you!! I wept, under the intensity of His emotion toward you as He lead me through interceding for the doctor's hands and for your sweet littles in the home He has constructed for them and in the "rewiring" He was overseeing yesterday...that it would be completely covered in the power and life of Jesus' blood...theirs and your ultimate "power source". Your faith and your story is beautiful. Thank you for transparency and the sharing you have generously done to build up others' faith as well as to testify to what God is doig in your lives. It is such a blessing to see that you have run into the only harbor, and "Under His Wings you WILL find refuge" (Psalm 91). We have waited the unbearable waits in hospitals for a little one of ours as well ~ There are NO other times like this ~ in which we see who is truly and always holding our children. His loving arms are their secure place of LIFE. The Tucker family is praying for you and loves you from afar!! Many Blessings. Love, Gillian for the Tucker Family

  35. Laura and Ryan,

    Mark and I have been praying for all four of you and are overjoyed at your good news! It has been awesome to be able to praise God for this! Thank you so much for all of your updates. We are continuing to pray for the other things on your list. I can't believe the response you guys have gotten- just completely awesome. Hope you are able to rest some and get back home soon.


  36. Ryan and Laura, David and I are continuing to lift your precious family in prayers. I am overwhelmed by the power of our God. You know His Power in your heart and mind but when confronted by His miracles...I am speechless except to say "Halleujah!". We love you and your families and here if you need anything......Your Sister In Christ, Glendra

  37. Ryan - so excited and emotional with the great news and love poured out by our Father! Know that your words and encouragement are the blessing we need to see and hear and nothing more is ever expected in return.

    Favorite part is the hugging with your doc...a Ryan Anderson move and I look forward to seeing more from you all in the coming days/weeks!

    Praying for all four of you!
    The Bechmans

  38. Ryan & Laura,

    Our house group prayed Wednesday night (and I'm sure all of us continued to pray the day of surgery). Praise God! And I am glad that I am now connected to your blog. We love you two. Well, actually you FOUR. :)

  39. I've been reading and praying and thinking about you non stop since Maleah asked for prayer. God is up to some amazing things… His story is being proclaimed loud and clear and He is thrilled at your faithfulness. Praying for sweet, uneventful gestation, and for God to continue to get all the glory.

  40. Praise God!! We are so happy to be rejoicing with you. We will continue to pray for everyone's health and especially that these girls will get to enjoy their home in the womb for quite some time!! Much love to both of you and see you soon.

  41. First posted yesterday to send prayers and blessings, and here we are today with this awesome, awesome news!!! I am so happy to be celebrating with you! You go, parents of multiples--turning wombmates into roommates!!!!! Blessings on your family, I am looking forward to praying for you, and in due course, extending my congratulations on the happy and healthy birth of your beautiful girls! Love to you both!

  42. Wow! These twins are surely prayed for! I cant think of anything better. So glad the procedure was a success and everyone is doing well. So thankful for modern medicine and god's provision for your family.

    Liza, Brian, Shelby, & Annie Sorgenfrei
    Mississippi state ruf

  43. So glad to read this!! I am a friend of Wren's who just moved to Dallas. Your family is in my prayers!

  44. YAY!!!! Such wonderful news! Praise God! We will keep praying for the four of you :)
