
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Operation Big Girl Room"- complete.

We are now on to "Operation Big Girls SLEEPING in Big Girl Room" :)- in process.

I loved working on this room, not that it's anything special, but I enjoy doing fun kid spaces much more than adult ones. I preferred this to working on the nursery too because I actually know the girls now, so I got to tailor it a bit more. This was a little tough because this room was once an attic space (I think) and it has not been updated in decades, not to mention I had a small budget (for 2 people), but overall, I am satisfied with what I was able to do with DIY, things I already had, giveaways, and clearance items from Target, Ikea, & Overstock.... Ryan may disagree ;).

In typical me fashion, this room can be described in too many ways; modern geo with a touch of rustic..and cloud themes.. I just looved these cloud & sleepy raindrop pillows, and had to incorporate them (tried to tie in poms & dot sheets for "rain"- maybe too much of a stretch:)). All to say, they were $45-$60 on ETSY, and so I decided to make them for free using an old white pillowcase, felt, and batting. I am no master seamstress, I only say that to encourage you that it was not hard at all, and totally worth the DIY!

I pulled out a bunch of these dipped terra cotta pots I did for a shower once, & I thought they kindof worked well in here. The girls love to help me water them, which we do about once every 2 weeks :)- yay succulants!
The Pom wall decor craft that Audrey and I did together

 My "high shelf" with my special vintage books. I just cut up a US map for a little background paper on the shelving.

A small washi tape gallery wall with the girls recent art work. I'll probably hang my, ahem I mean, their, favorite dresses on the ladder. 

Thanks Uncle Troy for making these adorable doll beds that actually look like our real beds!

 Thanks for stoppin by, wish us luck in our next operation, & come over to play in our big girl room ;)

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